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10 Creative Ways To Use Instagram For Business

Use engaging visuals

Instagram is all about visuals. Make sure your photos and videos are high quality and eye-catching. Use hashtags and captions to help tell your story and engage with your audience.

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Share behind-the-scenes content

People love seeing the behind-the-scenes of a business. Share photos and videos of your team in action, whether it’s in the office or out in the field.

Host a contest or giveaway

Contests and giveaways are a great way to engage with your followers and grow your audience. Make sure to promote your contest or giveaway across all of your social media channels, and use a unique hashtag so you can track entries.

Showcase your products

If you’re selling products, make sure to show them off on Instagram. Share photos and videos of your products in use, and include product details in the caption.

Share customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a great way to build social proof and show off your happy customers. Ask your customers to record a short video testimonial, and then post it on your Instagram account.

Announce new products or services

If you have a new product or service to announce, make sure to do it on Instagram. Share a photo or video of the new product, and include all the details in the caption.

Offer exclusive deals

Offer your Instagram followers exclusive deals that they can’t get anywhere else. This could be a discount code, early access to new products, or anything else that would be appealing to your target audience.

Go live

Instagram’s live video feature is a great way to connect with your followers in real-time. Share behind-the-scenes footage, answer questions, and give your followers a glimpse into your world.

Tell your brand’s story

Your Instagram account is a great place to tell your brand’s story. Share photos and videos that showcase your brand’s personality, and use hashtags and captions to help tell your story.

Use Instagram Insights

Make sure to check out Instagram Insights to see how your posts are performing. You can see how many people are seeing your posts, how many people are engaging with your posts, and what time of day is best to post.

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