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We’ve all been there. You’re out at a party or a bar, having a great time, when suddenly you remember that you left your housing vending machine on and it’s probably going to fall apart.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. We know how it feels. But don’t despair, there are a few things you can do to prevent your housing vending machine from falling apart.

Check the batteries

First of all, make sure that the batteries in your housing vending machine are still good. If they’re not, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the seals

Another thing you can do is to check the seals on your housing vending machine. If they’re not tight, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the wiring

If the wiring in your housing vending machine is loose, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the strength of the housing

If the housing of your housing vending machine is weak, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the level of the housing

If the level of the housing in your housing vending machine is too low, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the weight of the housing

If the weight of the housing in your housing vending machine is too high, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the height of the housing

If the height of the housing in your housing vending machine is too low, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the size of the housing

If the size of the housing in your housing vending machine is too small, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the type of housing

If the type of housing in your housing vending machine is not suitable, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.

Check the condition of the housing

If the condition of the housing in your housing vending machine is not good, then it’s likely that your housing vending machine will fall apart.