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The Different Types Of Persian Dance

There are many different types of Persian dance, each with its own unique style and history. Persian dance can be divided into two main categories: folk dance and classical dance.

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Folk dance is often performed at weddings and other festive occasions, and includes a wide range of styles from different regions of Iran. Some of the most popular folk dances are the samba, Disco, and Khalegi.

Classical dance, on the other hand, is a highly technical and formalized form of dance that is usually performed by professional dancers. The most famous classical Persian dance is the whirling dervish dance, which is often used as a form of religious devotion.

Ghazal: The ghazal is a Persian form of poetry which is very popular in Iran. It is usually written in a very formal and elegant style, and often features beautiful imagery.

Sam?‘?: The sam?‘? is another popular type of Persian dance which is often performed to live music. It is a very fast and energetic dance, and often features acrobatic moves.

Dabkah: The dabkah is a traditional Arabic dance which is also very popular in Iran. It is a slower, more graceful dance which is often performed to traditional Arabic music.

Bal?ti: The bal?ti is a Persian folk dance which is often performed at weddings and other celebrations. It is a very lively and upbeat dance, and often features colourful costumes.

S?k?r?: The s?k?r? is a Persian dance which is traditionally performed by men. It is a very energetic and masculine dance, and often features swords or other weapons.

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