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How To Install Removable Wallpaper

Removable wallpaper is a great way to add a pop of color or pattern to your home without the commitment of traditional wallpaper. It’s also an easy way to temporary change the look of a room without the hassle of painting. Plus, it’s a great way to personalize your space without breaking the bank. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install your own removable wallpaper.

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What youll need:

-Removable wallpaper (we used this one)


-A straight edge

-A pencil

-A level

-A damp sponge

-A smoothing tool (optional)


Start by measuring the wall you’ll be covering. Our wallpaper came in 2’x6.5’² panels, so we knew we needed two panels to cover our wall.

Once you know how many panels you need, cut your wallpaper to size. It’s important to use a straight edge and a sharp knife or scissors to get a clean cut.

Next, use a level and a pencil to mark a horizontal line on your wall. This will be your starting point and will help ensure your wallpaper is hung straight.

Begin applying your wallpaper to the wall, aligning it with your horizontal line. If your wallpaper has a grid backing, use that as a guide to help keep things straight.

Once you have the first panel in place, use a damp sponge to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. Then, apply pressure to the seams where the panels meet to seal them together.

Repeat steps 4-5 until your entire wall is covered.

Once your wall is complete, use a smoothing tool to go over the entire surface and make sure everything is flat. And that’s it! You’ve now successfully installed your own removable wallpaper.

We hope this guide was helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Happy decorating!

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