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We all have our favorite catalogues. Whether it’s Ikea, Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma, or even something a little more obscure, we all have that one (or two, or three) that we can’t help but flip through time and time again. But what if we told you that there are ways to get even more out of your catalogue favorites?

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Here are five tips to help you make the most of your go-to catalogues:

Use them for inspiration.

If you’re ever feeling stuck in a decorating rut, pull out your favorite catalogue and use it as a source of inspiration. You don’t necessarily have to go out and buy everything that you see, but it can be a great way to jump-start your creativity and get your decorating juices flowing.

Shop the sales.

Most catalogues have some sort of sale going on at any given time, so be sure to take advantage of it! If you see something that you love, but it’s not quite in your budget, put it on your wish list and wait for the next sale.

Compare prices.

Just because you saw something in a catalogue doesn’t mean that you have to buy it from there. In fact, it’s often worth it to do a little price comparisons before you make any big purchases. You may be surprised to find that you can get the same item (or a similar one) for a lot less money elsewhere.

Customize it.

One of the great things about catalogues is that they often offer a lot of customizable options. If you see something that you like, but you want to put your own personal spin on it, see if the company offers any customization options. You may be able to get exactly what you want without having to settle for something that’s close.

Get creative.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your catalogue favorites. If you see something that you love, but you can’t quite figure out how to incorporate it into your own home, get creative! There’s no rule that says you have to use items exactly as they’re intended. Sometimes, the best way to use something is to think outside the box.

So there you have it! Five tips to help you make the most of your catalogue favorites. Just remember, it’s all about being creative, thinking outside the box, and taking advantage of sales. Happy shopping!

The best way to sustain a career as a professional model is to have a
strong portfolio. Your portfolio is a showcase of your work and is what
will grab the attention of new clients. Naturally, the more
comprehensive your portfolio is, the more jobs you will get offered.
There are a number of accessible ways to make a stronger and more
comprehensive portfolio:

Test Shoots

A great way to begin a portfolio is with some test shoot pictures. Your
agent might set up a free test shoot, although this is the exception
rather than the rule. Any good test shoot should provide enough pictures
to get your portfolio started and guarantee you at least a decent
headshot and full-length body shot.

Stock Photography

Stock photography jobs can be a very helpful way to contribute work to a
portfolio. Depending on the photographer, you may or may not get paid
for doing stock photography jobs, but you will receive copies of the
prints to use in your portfolio. The photographer owns the picture
rights and may sell them to a variety of buyers who wish to use the
images to promote their own services or products.

Tear Sheets

Tear sheets are pictures that you have retained from shoots that you
have done, such as magazine adverts or catalogue pages. Literally, you
will “tear” the pictures out of the magazine or catalogue and put them
into your portfolio. Tear sheets can be really helpful as they show
potential clients that you are an active model, i.e. you are currently
working. This can be very beneficial as clients generally prefer to work
with models that have experience.

Using these methods will undoubtedly contribute to making your portfolio
stronger, and ultimately equip you with the means to consistently find
modeling work in the future.