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If you’re new to writing, you may be unsure when to use single quotes (‘) or double quotes (“). While there are some general rules to follow, there are also many exceptions. The best way to ensure that you’re using the correct type of quote mark is to consult your style guide.

In general, use single quotes when you want to quote something that is already in double quotes, or when you want to emphasize a word in a sentence. For example:

My favorite type of cheese is ‘brie.’

He said, ‘I’m not going to the party.’

I really need to ‘study’ for my test.

In the first sentence, the word brie is already in double quotes, so we use single quotes around it. In the second sentence, the speaker is using single quotes to emphasize the word I. And in the third sentence, the speaker is using single quotes to emphasize the word study.

There are also some cases where you may want to use single quotes for clarity. For example, if you’re writing about the word ‘ain’t,’ you may want to use single quotes to show that you’re using the word in its proper context:

The word ‘ain’t’ is not considered proper English.

In this sentence, the word ain’t is in single quotes because it is not considered proper English. By using single quotes, we are showing that we are aware of the proper usage of the word and we are using it for effect.

There are also some cases where you may want to use single quotes because the word or phrase you’re quoting is special or unique. For example, if you’re quoting someone who has a unique way of speaking, you may want to use single quotes to show that you’re quoting their exact words:

My grandma always says, ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’

In this sentence, the phrase a stitch in time saves nine is in single quotes because it is a unique phrase that is associated with the speaker’s grandmother. By using single quotes, we are showing that we are quoting her exact words.

Finally, there are some cases where you may want to use single quotes because the word or phrase you’re quoting is ironic or sarcastic. For example, if you’re quoting someone who is being sarcastic, you may want to use single quotes to show that you’re quoting their exact words:

She’s such a ‘good’ friend.

In this sentence, the word good is in single quotes because the speaker is being sarcastic. By using single quotes, we are showing that we are quoting the person’s exact words and that we understand the irony.

An imploded definition is a word or phrase that has been reduced to its essential meaning. It is often used in place of a more complicated or technical term.

Imploded definitions are often used in technical writing, as they can help to make complex concepts more understandable. They can also be used in everyday speech, as a way to simplify a thought or make a point more clearly.

Imploded definitions are sometimes also known as reduced definitions or compressed definitions.

An imploded definition is a definition that is created by taking a word or phrase and breaking it down into its individual parts. For example, the word “implode” can be broken down into “im” (meaning “in” or “into”), “plode” (meaning “explode”), and the suffix “-ed” (indicating the past tense). Therefore, an imploded definition of “implode” would be “to exploded in or into.”

Imploded definitions can be useful when you want to understand the meaning of a word or phrase that you are not familiar with. By breaking the word or phrase down into its individual parts, you can often get a better understanding of what it means. Additionally, imploded definitions can be fun to create and can help you to remember the meaning of a word or phrase more easily.

In its simplest form, an imploded definition is a word or phrase that has been broken down into its component parts. For example, the word “breakfast” can be broken down into “break” and “fast.” By understanding the meaning of each component, you can then understand the meaning of the word as a whole.

Imploded definitions can be helpful when you come across a word that you don’t know. By understanding the meaning of the individual parts, you can often figure out the meaning of the word as a whole. Additionally, imploded definitions can help you to remember words more easily. When you can break a word down into its component parts, it is often easier to remember than a word that you only know as a whole.

If you are interested in learning more about imploded definitions, there are a number of resources that you can consult. The following websites offer further information and examples of imploded definitions:



“The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” (Jane Sellman)

How true! Being a mother is arguably one of the toughest jobs out there.
The work load doubles for working moms, super women like you who have
to juggle being career women with a myriad of other roles. Like being a
parent, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a domestic diva and
inevitably, a take-over-everything working machine that wastes no time
thinking about your own well-being. With so much going on, it’s so easy
to lose yourself in all the roles you have to play.

Looking your best may not be a number one priority anymore, but who says
you have to sacrifice much for a little more oomph in your style? Here
are simple tricks to adding some flair to your hair in a jiffy.


Those gorgeous loose waves that Hollywood’s favorite females pull off so
easily is actually something you can pull off easily! It’s quick and
simple: while your hair is damp, braid it before going to bed. Voila!
You’ll wake up with beach-worthy waves. Tip: braid your hair tightly so
it won’t get frizzy.


If you really want to take the easy way out, then hair accessories are
the way to go. Just pick a style you fancy then clip it on your hair and
you’ve added instant flair to an otherwise blah hair style. And you’re
just in time. Ultra feminine hair accessories are quickly becoming in
vogue again, as seen on trend-setters like Lady Gaga, Nicole Richie and
Leighton Meester, and even on the runways of Marc Jacobs.

Make sure that those hair accessories can keep up with your hectic day.
Choose hair clips that are guaranteed non-slip. No, non-slip clips are
not just for babies. In fact, with a schedule as busy as yours, you’re
bound to move around a lot more than a baby. All the more that you need
hair clips that stay put all day! They’re not just for flair but also to
keep your hair from getting in your way.

There are tons of designs to choose from; whichever suits your personal
style. For a little mom and me bonding moment, you can even choose a
clip for your little one that matches yours! I’m sure your little girl
(or any sweet girl in your life) would adore them as baby gifts.


If you don’t like your hair getting in the way, try a shorter hair
style. An easy-to-maintain choice is a sleek bob, which is
fashion-forward too. Try looking at the very posh Victoria Beckham for
bob-inspiration. She keeps it very simple and yet manages to still be


You’re a busy woman; of course you don’t have time to blow dry! But
don’t let the bad-hair-day monster get to you. Just let your hair air
dry instead. Did you know that when your hair dries naturally, it’s much
stronger than when dried with a blow dryer? Not only is it a
stress-free solution, it gives you extra shine too! The oil from your
scalp helps hair look shinier.


You don’t always have to run to a salon for all your hair 911s. You can
do plenty of great deep conditioning treatments right at the comfort of
home. Choose a leave-in deep conditioning treatment and let it do the
work for you while you sleep!