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If you’re looking for a creative and fun way to add some 3D flair to your home decor, why not try making your own 3D flower wall art? This project is easy to make with just a few supplies, and you can customize the colors and design to match your own personal style.

However, there are a few tips and tricks on art, design or photography. SkullsofHeaven is the one-stop resource for images design, photography news, tips, learn photo techniques and camera buying guides from professional to amateur photographers.

Here’s what youll need to make your own 3D flower wall art:

-Paper or cardboard



-Pen or pencil


-Optional: paint, markers, or other decorations

To start, you’ll need to cut out a bunch of flower shapes from your paper or cardboard. You can freehand these, or use a template if you want to be extra precise. Once you have your flower shapes cut out, it’s time to start assembling them into 3D blooms.

To do this, take two flower shapes and glue them together at the center. Once the glue is dry, repeat this process until all of your flowers are assembled. Once your flowers are put together, you can start decorating them however you like.

You can leave them plain, or add some color with paint or markers. You can also add some embellishments like beads or sequins. Get creative and have fun with it!

Once your flowers are finished, it’s time to start attaching them to your wall. You can do this by glueing them directly to the wall, or by using push pins or Command strips. Whichever method you choose, make sure your flowers are evenly spaced out and arranged in a pleasing pattern.

And that’s it! Your 3D flower wall art is finished. Enjoy your handiwork and admire it every time you walk by.

“The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” (Jane Sellman)

How true! Being a mother is arguably one of the toughest jobs out there.
The work load doubles for working moms, super women like you who have
to juggle being career women with a myriad of other roles. Like being a
parent, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a domestic diva and
inevitably, a take-over-everything working machine that wastes no time
thinking about your own well-being. With so much going on, it’s so easy
to lose yourself in all the roles you have to play.

Looking your best may not be a number one priority anymore, but who says
you have to sacrifice much for a little more oomph in your style? Here
are simple tricks to adding some flair to your hair in a jiffy.


Those gorgeous loose waves that Hollywood’s favorite females pull off so
easily is actually something you can pull off easily! It’s quick and
simple: while your hair is damp, braid it before going to bed. Voila!
You’ll wake up with beach-worthy waves. Tip: braid your hair tightly so
it won’t get frizzy.


If you really want to take the easy way out, then hair accessories are
the way to go. Just pick a style you fancy then clip it on your hair and
you’ve added instant flair to an otherwise blah hair style. And you’re
just in time. Ultra feminine hair accessories are quickly becoming in
vogue again, as seen on trend-setters like Lady Gaga, Nicole Richie and
Leighton Meester, and even on the runways of Marc Jacobs.

Make sure that those hair accessories can keep up with your hectic day.
Choose hair clips that are guaranteed non-slip. No, non-slip clips are
not just for babies. In fact, with a schedule as busy as yours, you’re
bound to move around a lot more than a baby. All the more that you need
hair clips that stay put all day! They’re not just for flair but also to
keep your hair from getting in your way.

There are tons of designs to choose from; whichever suits your personal
style. For a little mom and me bonding moment, you can even choose a
clip for your little one that matches yours! I’m sure your little girl
(or any sweet girl in your life) would adore them as baby gifts.


If you don’t like your hair getting in the way, try a shorter hair
style. An easy-to-maintain choice is a sleek bob, which is
fashion-forward too. Try looking at the very posh Victoria Beckham for
bob-inspiration. She keeps it very simple and yet manages to still be


You’re a busy woman; of course you don’t have time to blow dry! But
don’t let the bad-hair-day monster get to you. Just let your hair air
dry instead. Did you know that when your hair dries naturally, it’s much
stronger than when dried with a blow dryer? Not only is it a
stress-free solution, it gives you extra shine too! The oil from your
scalp helps hair look shinier.


You don’t always have to run to a salon for all your hair 911s. You can
do plenty of great deep conditioning treatments right at the comfort of
home. Choose a leave-in deep conditioning treatment and let it do the
work for you while you sleep!