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Credit unions are member-owned, not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members, not to make a profit. That means they often offer lower rates on loans and higher rates on savings than for-profit banks.

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In addition, credit unions are typically more flexible than banks when it comes to loan terms and conditions. And, because they are local, they usually provide better customer service.

If you’re thinking of taking out a car loan, consider a credit union. You may be able to save money and get a better deal.

For starters, you’ll likely get a lower interest rate than you would from a traditional bank. And, because credit unions are nonprofits, they may offer lower fees as well.

Another big perk of a credit union car loan is that you’ll likely have a longer repayment period than you would with a bank. This means your monthly payments will be lower, which can be a big help if you’re on a tight budget.

Of course, you’ll need to be a member of a credit union to take advantage of these benefits. But if you are, a credit union car loan is definitely worth considering.

Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members. That means they don’t have shareholders to answer to, so they can offer lower rates on loans and higher rates on savings.

When you get a car loan from a credit union, you’re borrowing from a pool of money that’s been deposited by other credit union members. That’s different from a bank, which typically loans out money that it has borrowed from other banks or from the federal government.

Because credit unions are member-owned, they usually require you to become a member before you can get a loan. But that’s easy to do. You can often join a credit union by making a small deposit, and many employers offer credit union membership as a benefit.

Here are some other reasons to get a car loan from a credit union:

– Credit unions typically have lower loan rates than banks.

– Credit unions don’t have shareholders, so they can offer lower rates.

– Credit unions are member-owned, so they usually require you to become a member before you can get a loan.

– Credit unions offer a variety of loan products, so you can find one that fits your needs.

– Credit unions typically have lower fees than banks.

– Credit unions offer member services such as financial counseling and free credit reports.